Some of the Biggest Home Security Mistakes

When it comes to home defense the best thing you can do is DETER a would-be burglar from even wanting to enter your house. This means you don’t want to “invite” them in – so to speak.

You want to make them think it’s a very bad idea to invade your home before it ever happens, and let them know they should probably just keep on going past your house!

The problem is MOST houses are more inviting to burglars than they are scary — as they make many bad decisions (or non-decisions) in home security.

So be sure you aren’t making these home security MISTAKES that could prevent you from ever having a break-in or needing to defend your home if you did them correctly beforehand.

This is a great video describing four of the worst home security mistakes that you should avoid, and how to make sure your house is secure from burglars…

Remember: The best home defense tool is preventing a home invasion from happening. Don’t be a target in the first place!